A little relationship therapy for Brand.
Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash
We form relationships through our brands.
We may need therapist.
It seems to me that we could learn a lot by including a counselor in our rebranding sessions. As we strive to define what a brand will mean, it sounds and feels an awful lot like an existential crisis of personality. And yet... there we are. Marketers, creatives and communicators working to define what we will mean to society.
It has been my experience that the world is chock full of narcissists and codependents, and a surprising number have ended up in marketing. This isn't a jab at us all, there's nothing wrong with a little behavioral overhaul now and then. But I don't think we are "relationship" experts.
Crafting a brand's personality is more complicated than it appears. We will, in essence, develop a person. That person will have needs and aspirations. That same person will deliver on promises and trust.
It would be wise to lay the brand bare and do a little psychological deconstruction. Focus on the relationship, not on the personality. Spend more time establishing behavioral rules than just a list of adjectives that describe what we think someone else will want.
You might find your brand's personality is, in reality, a hot mess.
Now, I'm not saying we all need to run out and hire a licensed therapist full time, but I think we could rent one now and then. Listen to what she has to say, and craft a healthier personality that could form stronger relationships.
If we really want the brand to be a relationship, seek professional help in all its forms.