Our Country is Overwhelmed: 6 Reasons to Donate Your Talent

I don’t shy away from being progressive, motivated and vocal about causes and movements. Working at home, often alone, interacting with my peers exclusively through video has left me wondering what is happening in the corporate world. Not aggressively curious mind you, just wondering. LinkedIn updates have been a good source of information and I applaud all my peers who are using their talent to further causes that address the pandemic, social justice, inequality, women’s rights, the environment… Does anyone remember climate change? The list has become exhaustive.

Watching my feed does remind me, though, of the incredible talent of my cohorts. It also reminds me that we ALL have a chance to help in a deeper, meaningful way. I am, once again, advocating for us all to pitch in in our local communities.

Not your labor.
Not your money.
Not your hands.

Donate the things that you are exceptional at. Whether it be marketing, writing, technology, planning there is an organization out there who needs you today, now, this morning.

I have advocated for my peers to adopt a local business who could never, possibly afford your skill and simply donate your time. Help them prosper. Help them compete and succeed. Now, more than ever, we need to give a lot back. Like never before. If you have a stable home, a job, savings, food… You are in the position to change the direction of people’s lives by helping a business or cause.

I extend this to not-for-profits, as well. Maybe your company is a sponsor. Maybe you donate through a fund. Or take one day a year to volunteer. Do more. Pick a cause, talk to the board and tell them you believe in them and want to help. Serving meals to the homeless is admirable but solving a complicated communication problem is noble. That is where you are needed most.

That’s my plea to my peers. Pick a business or pick a cause. Maybe pick both!

If that’s not enough, here’s some supporting reasons to do it.

6 Reasons to Donate Your Skills

  1. It’s the opportunity to be the First Chair. You work directly with a client who is grateful and will allow you to steer the ship. If you are used to working with a team, or under direction, this is a chance to flex your muscles.

  2. You pick the client. You get to carefully curate and decide what the cause is and what you will do. Unlike your day job, you are in complete control of your decision.

  3. It feels great! You will be good and tired, but you will be proud that you are helping. You may find something you really believe in and make a difference. You will never forget how that feels.

  4. You might meet some real clients. It’s unlikely, but it can happen. And if it does, you’ll be meeting folks who align with your beliefs and values.

  5. There is a great need out there for you. You specifically. Your skills can and will make a difference in a way nobody else could do.

  6. You can humble brag about it by talking about how wonderful your adopted business or cause is. You get to share your enthusiasm and energy in a way that is, fundamentally, different than your day job.

 If you’re already in my camp and doing this, share your stories. Spread the word and encourage our peers. You might just convert a few people to do more than they are. If you haven’t done this, think about it, consider your town, your community and your values. There is no better time to try.

I’m always happy to talk about my causes and adoptions, you want to know. Just DM me.


Eric Berrios